United We Stand with One Strong Voice

Friday, May 8, 2009

Letter Week 2

Greetings again,

You are my elected Representative regarding the laws of this Land.

I am still a Gay citizen living without the benefit of full equality.

Marriage is but one of those benefits that denies me more than 1400 legal benefits.

Can you imagine that in this day and time?

Obviously you can see that my rights are not equal to that of you or your other constituents and I can only ask what you are doing to correct this travesty.

Perhaps you’re struggling with a religious issue - fear not. God DID make Adam and Eve and he made Steve, too and Jack and Jill and you and me – he made us all (at least many believe this).

You are not being asked to make a decision as an elder or deacon of the church regarding church doctrine…NO!

You ARE being asked to uphold the laws of this Great Nation for which you were ELECTED and took an OATH to do. So please, do not confuse the doctrine of a church with the law of the land…NO!

See, it’s quite easy after all, isn’t it. No judge or court can overturn a decision based on Equality, period.

Please act with all haste to rectify this incredible inequity.

Thank you for your help,