Greetings Once Again My Representative…
And yes, rest assured I’m still a Gay citizen!
My civil rights are still not equal to yours, your other constituents or our fellow Americans.
I again must ask what you are doing to correct this.
What Plan-of-Action are you employing to help me as well as your other constituents who voted you into office and the rest of your fellow citizens who just happen to be Gay?
We still do not have the freedoms written by our forefathers in the Constitution.
We still do not enjoy all the laws of this great Nation.
We STILL are shackled and burdened by not being able to marry and visit our loved ones in hospitals, cannot offer residency to our partners from other countries, no protection from domestic violence, no veterans benefits, social security, welfare, Medicare, joint tax returns, bereavement or sick leave to care for our children, no child support, no joint housing for when we become elderly, no medical care for our survivors or children of veterans, no tax benefits of any kind, no automatic inheritance when our partners die, and no right to decide on the disposal of our loved ones’ remains when they die.
Can you even start to understand or perhaps try to get any vision at all of the daily pains and struggles we must endure all because a few want to insert their religious beliefs into our government? Religion and religious beliefs cannot (by Constitutional law) be considered when deciding this case. When Thomas Jefferson gave his speech on the 1st Amendment on January 1, 1802 before the Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association he said the Constitution provided a “wall of separation between church and state”. James Madison wrote “Strongly guarded is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States”. The U.S Constitution itself is a secular document never mentioning a god or a Christ or a religion. Indeed, the forefathers of the United States went to great lengths to OMIT the mention of God in our Constitution, ensuring that our government be By the PEOPLE, For the PEOPLE starting with the words we so cherish, “We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union”. If a man and woman want a religious ceremony…GREAT! But they can no longer deny the rest of us our Freedoms and Liberty’s that our men and women are fighting and dying for this very minute.
Marriage is a civil right granted by our government…to and for all.
More than 1,400 legal benefits being denied for lack of marriage alone!!!
I will hold you to this and you can and must no longer deny all people this Right, and you must FIGHT for those of us who can’t without delay!
Most Sincerely,