Greetings One More Time,
I am still a United States Citizen who just happens to be Gay and you are my Representative yet you continue to ignore my pleas for the Rights, Liberties and Equality granted me by the laws of this great nation.
I have written you time and time again to help me right this wrong. It’s a hateful situation you seem determined that I endure.
I ask one more time that you actively and aggressively seek an end to this Civil Rights Nightmare and finally grant me, your fellow citizen, the equality I have been guaranteed by my country’s forefathers.
Will you step-up to the plate and take on this, albeit, unpopular responsibility to ensure my Rights and Standings in this, my country, and ensure all of my Rights?
Keep in mind that in the Entire History of this Great Nation NO CIVIL RIGHTS FIGHT has EVER been denied. Which side of History will YOU be on when your Grandchildren look at you and ask “Why were people hated just because they Loved?”?
The time is long overdue and the day is quickly fading for some of us.
Conservative estimates put today’s active Gay Voters from 10,000,000 to 25,000,000 in America today. With family and friends that number could easily reach a Staggeringly ACTIVE Voter Block of anywhere from 35 million to as many as 50 MILLION PRO GAY VOTERS!!! That, my friend, makes for quite an active One Strong Voice voting block! Would you want this voting block with you or against you? We have Quickly organized and have already surpassed our short-termed goals. Your state is coming up soon.
I must remind you that your actions will be remembered and passed on from one person to another, one household to another until ALL know of your help or of your inaction. I fully trust that you will come to see the simplicity of this situation and, though requiring effort and strength, the nobleness of fulfilling our nations’ founders’ belief that truly, in America, you will find that all are equal and endowed with Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS…after all, that’s all we want – to be happy (and, of course, Loved…..).
One day soon I hope to be able to meet you and say:
Thank you for your time and effort, your strength and courage and your commitment of spirit to honor your Oath to uphold our Nation’s laws. Let me know how I can be of help to you.